Saturday, September 13, 2014

Bangui MRE

French military rations have leaked onto the market here as always. [The French force here is called Sangaris. ]

<![if !vml]><![endif]>They are far, far superior to the other countries’.

A 24-hour box is available in 48 versions (some halal/kosher, vegetarians  … ). It contains two tasty main meals, sachets of coffee, cocoa, etc … and a small solid chemical heater kit,   but sadly no wine ..

For comparison, Norway gives a sachet of dried grey mush to which you add water and get wet grey mush which you can suck through a tube.  And nothing else, as far as I can see.

Being struck by being so lush tropical and an absence of fruit, today I shopped for fruit and found a road-side seller with fantastic yellow passion fruits. So I have just trained the young person who does my shopping to make fruit salad as I like it.  

Capacity-building is so important.   

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